Time Notes

  • Bovines


What do your cows do when you’re away?

Obione has come up with a practical, automated and
solution: Time Notes!

Now you can see what you couldn’t before,
thanks to Artificial Intelligence and a data processing programme
that defines the herd’s timetable.

The camera films the herd’s activity.
Thanks to AI, a precise count is made according to different indexes:
lying down
standing cows
– cows waiting, drinking and feeding

Time Notes is the cows’ timetable and calculates the impact of this activity on milk production.

There are instructions on how to set up the camera, how to install it and recommended equipment if you want to buy your own.
– the brochure here
– The instructions here

Franco de port dès 200 € HT d'achat

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Franco de port dès 200 € HT d'achat

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